Cryptok Launches World-Wide On Google And Apple Mobile App Stores!


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Over the past few years, crypto has grown not only in the total global marketcap but also in popularity on many social platforms. Many of the larger social & networking platforms have tried half-heartedly to incorporate even the simplest web3 & crypto features. Twitter (back when it was Twitter and not simply X) has had a simple pay button on the user profile for a few years. Clicking this obscure button “copies” a wallet address, either BTC or ETH. Then the user has to go to another platform to paste the address and send a tip or what have you to the original person. This is the worst way since the person receiving the crypto donation has NO idea who it came from. This is also the simplest way of integrating ANY payment system and is a testament to Twitter’s lack of interest in coding any useful way for users to interact in the web3 age. It is astounding that with Twitter’s (X’s) capital backing and on-hand developer force, this is all they could come up with for years.


Then as of the last bull run cycle, you now have main stream NFT’s. Twitter tried another half-hearted attempt to let users connect their NFTs as profile pics, verifiable with links to the blockchain or Opensea. Again, it failed miserably. For one, it only allowed two block-chains to be used, ETH and Polygon. Secondly, there was no incentive given other than an octagon-shaped border (status symbol). Cryptok will incorporate full-blown NFT interactivity including minting to open-market sales to peer-to-peer instant asset transferability! With so much potential and the development team to surely make web3 features successful, it boggles the mind and begs the question as to why the larger platforms do not really try to make web3 integrations the best they can be thereby treating the features as mere afterthoughts.


Enter Cryptok, which started its blockchain journey in May of 2021. After almost 2 years in development, Cryptok has made it to both of the world’s largest mobile app stores. Cryptok launched on Google Playstore in March of 2023 and then was released live on the Apple App Store in October of 2023. Cryptok’s purpose is to give the crypto community a place to gather and share ideas and tips without being banned for posting about that content. Many of the larger social platforms actively ban or shadow-ban crypto enthusiasts simply for the fact of mentioning anything crypto-related. Furthermore, scammers are allowed to run rampant on the larger platforms unchecked while legitimate influencers constantly struggle to remain on the platform. Cryptok openly welcomes any form of web3, blockchain or crypto content. Cryptok also allows normal TikTok-style videos to be uploaded such as funny, inspirational etc. When asked what makes Cryptok different, the founder and lead developer, Joey Stubblefield replied: “Cryptok is a safe, American-Veteran run social video-sharing platform. We strive to allow as much content as possible and we welcome any crypto-related content. We are also actively putting measures in place to prevent account cloning of popular accounts and fake scammers running rampant.” Further, Cryptok states that they 100% do not track, harvest or sell ANY of their users content , habits or personal information. This is a total 180 of any large social platform nowadays where they track your EVERY movement! Cryptok doesnt even ask your gender upon sign-up!


While Cryptok is currently up to date and functioning, the Cryptok team is hard at work for the next phase of builds. Coming soon to Cryptok is a fully featured in-app defi crypto wallet! This is where Cryptok goes above and beyond what even big names like Twitter have been doing for years which is simply a copy/paste wallet address. Cryptok’s in-app defi wallet will allow users to securely store, swap, send, and receive popular cryptocurrencies right from their profile. If you want to send a user some crypto you simply go to their profile, click the send crypto button, and choose the crypto you wish to send them. The receiving user is notified instantly on their mobile by push notification that User A has sent them X amount of X crypto. Very simple, intuitive and the receiver knows where it came from! Cryptok developers also believe that end users should not be burdened with the backend of things of how crypto really works. Therefore, when sending crypto within Cryptok there are no long wallet addresses to copy & paste or anything of that sort. Simply, click and send (As easy as the popular Cash App mobile app works).


Cryptok is also now focusing heavily on implementing security & privacy-driven features. Of the features on the horizon one of the biggest would be cutting down on multiple spam accounts. By requiring a phone number upon sign-up this cuts down on scammers and spammers using multiple free email addresses to create a virtually free army of spam warrior accounts! Their second level of defense will be a KYC routine that simply lets users vette themselves automatically through a trusted 3rd party KYC platform. By doing so, the eligible approved account with be verified and will have a broader reach and more features available. A ranked verified system is currently being developed whereas users that participate not only get the customary verified check-mark we are all used to, but they also receive special privileges such as hotlink capability right into their user-generated content and on their profile area. This feature will be monitored for acceptable use and anyone verified that creates bad actor links will be promptly banned from the entire platform. Cryptok hopes to foster a healthy and prosperous community-driven environment where even the smallest projects can grow their user audience base for a fraction of what the larger restrictive platforms charge.

Cryptok can be downloaded and used on any up to date Android or Apple device, below are the live, official store links:

Official Cryptok Apple App Store Download:

Official Cryptok Google Playstore Download:

Official Cryptok Website:

Cryptok is a product of Cryogen. Cryptok has applied for trademark status thru USTPO of the name Cryptok as of May 2023.

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